Abingdon Muslims - Islamic Cultural Centre Project


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All donations go towards building Abingdon Islamic Cultural Centre and become Sadaqah Jariya

Remember To Also Double Your Donations By Sharing Your Unique Code With 2 Friends

For several years, the vibrant community of Abingdon Muslims has felt the need for a permanent space to act as the hub for our spiritual and social activities; a space where we can worship in congregation, learn and teach about our religion and cultural heritage, exchange ideas, run social support and community service initiatives, and celebrate together. This vision has translated into the Abingdon Islamic Cultural Centre (AICC) project. Through AICC, we aim to galvanize the Muslim community in Abingdon and amplify our positive contribution to society. We aim to foster inter-faith harmony through open events and forge links with the wider Abingdon community regardless of race, religion, status, or belief.

The AICC Project - May 2024 Update

£91,958 of £400,000

No Data Found

We have now reached a critical milestone and have identified a fit-for-purpose property for Abingdon Islamic Cultural Centre (AICC). It is located in the town center with two council car parks within walking distance. Having a total floor space of around 2000 sq. ft over multiple floors, the site should be able to house approximately 150 worshippers for Salah, including a dedicated praying space for sisters. It is also suitable for running Quran classes, diverse educational programs, and cultural activities.

We have now submitted an offer subject to planning permission. We are fortunate to have brothers in the community with experience in planning and property negotiations who are actively stewarding this process.

We need your support in raising the funds to purchase and convert this property into the Islamic Cultural Centre. Our target is to raise GBP 400,000 so that we do not lose this ideal location. 

Please donate generously during this Ramadan as Allah SWT increases the rewards multifold during this month. We are also accepting Qarz-e-Hasana for this project. To discuss this option further, please Contact Us through the online form or email us at aicc@abingdonmuslims.org.

£61,917 of £400,000

Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said:

"Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, like a sparrow's nest for Allah or even smaller, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise."
Sunan Ibn Majah 738
Sahih al-Bukhari 450

By donating, not only will you be contributing to this much needed place of worship, but this Sadaqah Jariyah will insha’Allah garner you spiritual rewards in this life and the next.