Abingdon Muslims - About Us

As Abingdon Muslims, we strive to remember Allah Most High, follow the beautiful teachings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), educate and improve the community, demonstrate good character, and promote brotherhood and peace with everyone in Abingdon, without any political or personal agendas.

We are a local community of Muslims who have lived in the area for many generations. Our families have contributed to local growth through work employment as well as running businesses. Our children have attended local schools and taken part in school events. We are proud to be part of the larger growing Abingdon community.

Over the years, we have had special guests visit us such as the Mayor of Abingdon during Eid Celebrations, local Police representatives to discuss community representation of ethnic minorities, as well as organising charity events. We also help with marriage counselling and provide platform for women only support.

In our faith, the Holy Qur’an presents a perfect constitution for Muslims, this can be found in Surah Al-Asr. This short but comprehensive Surah emphasizes the importance of belief, righteous deeds, advising each other to truth, and being patient.

Imam Ash-Shafi’i (RA) once said that if Surah Al-Asr was the only revelation from Allah (SWT), it would be enough for humanity. The Surah teaches us to seek knowledge, apply it in practice, teach it to others, and be patient in our efforts.

We should strengthen our faith by increasing our knowledge, performing good deeds and be patient in our pursuit of truth. May Allah (SWT) enable us to follow His commandments and the teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Our Vision

Our vision is to communicate a clear understanding of the Islamic teachings and faith, to the local community, including Muslims and non-Muslims. We aim to empower the community, by sharing the Islamic values in accordance with the Holy Quran and Sunnah, and to evolve in a peaceful and caring environment pursuing faith, education, justice and righteousness.

Our Mission

We aim to provide a safe and comfortable space where believers can pray, practice their faith, socialise, and interact with Muslims and non-Muslims regardless of individual’s race, nationality, ethnicity, gender or age. We work towards building bridges of communications with other nations based on tolerance, respect and moderation.

Surah Al-Hujurat, 13

“O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. Surely the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous among you. Allah is truly All-Knowing, All-Aware.”
Surah Al-Hujurat, 13

Our History


Abingdon Muslims Community (AMC) was started by Reiss, a revert to Islam. The aim was to establish a place for Abingdon Muslims to offer Jummah prayers and create an Islamic environment.

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-24 at 14.24

Islamic lessons were started by Abrar Mehmood, his wife, Athur Chaudry, Suleiman Chand, and others. Darul Arqam Institute Oxford, was also established by Abrar, Ben, and others, to promote the Islamic sciences on a wider scale.

March 2018

A committee was set up and a constitution was agreed upon for AMC to formalize and enhance efforts to help and support fellow Muslims in the Abingdon area and promote positive relationships with the community.

July 2018

Charitable status was granted. Visits to local schools to address assemblies about Islam, participation in seminars, and guidance to the local police on our religion were some of the activities undertaken.

Eid 2009
Feb 2024

After years of building momentum and months of planning, the Abingdon Islamic Cultural Centre (AICC) Project was formally kicked off.


Our People

Reiss Amaan

Reiss Amaan

Founding Member

Adeel Shabbir

Adeel Shabbir

Trustee & Treasurer

Mohamed Ahmed

Mohamed Ahmed


Tariq Mehmood

Tariq Mehmood


Mohammad Saqib

Mohammad Saqib

Core Member & Chairman

Ibrahim Doddo Siddo

Ibrahim Doddo Siddo

Core Member & Secretary

Abrar Mehmood

Abrar Mehmood

Core Member & Imam

Aziz Kagdi

Aziz Kagdi

Project Manager (Acting)

Dr. Hamid Al-Shejni

Dr. Hamid Al-Shejni

Core Member & Imam

Dr. Haithem Mansour

Dr. Haithem Mansour

Outreach (Acting)

Hamid Hamirani

Hamid Hamirani

Core Member

Ibrahim Baig

Ibrahim Baig

Project Manager (Acting)

Osama Hasan Khan

Osama Hasan Khan

Webmaster (Acting)

To join our community WhatsApp groups - Brothers and Sisters